Monday, September 14, 2009


Before I touch on the "newness" stuff, I should update on our visit to Mayo for Erin's check up (it's been about 9 months since diagnosis...and we go every 6 months). I knew it wouldn't be a pleasant visit, with me working with Karen Hurd and all. In addition, her blood glucose numbers have been nuts for the last month.

In a nutshell, the dietician didn't really even try to argue with me...she just said she was concerned that Erin wasn't getting enough carbs, as a child, for "proper brain development". I will for sure address this with Karen, as well as do some research on my own. Our doctor was not happy with fact, he sent the girls out to the waiting room before he began our chat...ever been to the principal's office??? When I explained to him my purpose for seeing Karen...that their ADA diet was, in effect, killing Alana, and that I had to find a way of living that satisfied the health needs of BOTH children...and that I wasn't just a rebel without a cause. (Of course, those of you who know me well, know that I do, in fact, tend to rebel against "wordly" or "mainstream" ideas, but they don't really need to know that!) He said that although he couldn't condone what I was doing, he understood why, and did NOT want to be in my position of making these decisions. And luckily, he was much nicer than I thought he'd be, and not demeaning. So, although VERY stressful and exhausting, it went pretty well.

But I did go through a few days might say a depression of sorts. Back to my knees. Helpless. Humbled. Confused. These are my greatest blessing from God. And I have to basically choose the side of one lone woman, who, as I was reminded at Mayo, is not "mainstream" (really????), or go with the flow, the doctors, and the ADA. Am I nuts for thinking I could be right in all of this? This "diet" we're on no is truly NOT what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to be healthy...fresh veggies and fruit, whole grains. I just want to pass on the chemicals and processed crap. But I'd like to make my kids an apple pie in the fall...a homemade pie with just a handfull of ingredients, that even I can pronounce. I'd like to have some berries on oatmeal in the morning...with maybe even some pure maple syrup on it. I don't know...I'm back to prayer. This is simply too big for me.

This is us at a park in Rochester during our lunch break... See how Barry looks? That's pretty much how we all felt...

The kids are sick. Nice. Erin got sick the morning of Rochester, Thursday. She woke up high (as in blood glucose numbers), which happens when you're sick. Mostly just cold symptoms, with a low fever thrown in, just to totally mess with her numbers! Sunday, after her insulin shot, before her breakfast, she threw up. Great. This is her first puking since diagnosis. Vomiting can be deadly when you're diabetic as there's insulin have to eat to balance the insulin. But, because you're sick, you go sky high.
By lunchtime, she was in the high 300's, but more importantly, her keytones were very high...which they never have been. I put a call into Mayo and luckily heard back from our own doctor...nevermind it was over an hour later. He said to give her extra insulin to help bring her down, drink lots of water (which we were already doing) and if she pukes again, take her to the ER. Now if that ain't exactly what a mother loves to hear....
She's felt fine since about 10 am Sunday am. She did make it down to good numbers last night, but has been a little high again today (but we have been trying to readjust her numbers, which is tough in the middle of an illness). Unfortunately, she missed our first day of church at Friendship and Christian Ed hour. Alana had to go to class alone...she was so nervous (so was Erin), but I think it went fine, because she wasn't mad at me anymore after class. :) I got to go to class, too, during that time...basically just a small-group Bible study. It was good. I mean, I hate being a newbie, too, but I can tell it will be a "good thing". Alana and I went to church, and then rushed home to check on Erin (who felt fine by now) and then I had to whip up a tomato-cuccumber-pepper-moz cheese-Italian dressing salad for a family reunion at 1. It turned out good....lots of compliments! :)
Today was our first day of school. I wasn't ready. But, I don't think I'll ever be truly ready. I try so hard to be so organized, but it usually falls apart before the first week is over. As usual, I've thrown in some new curriculum, you know, just to make my life harder. :) Here's their first day of school pics...which, honestly, I didn't take til about 6 pm tonite. Otherwise, they both would've still been in their jammies (not that Alana got much further than that today). Now Alana's sick with a cold, too, so neither of them are really in the mood to smile much....

So, now I officially have a 2nd and 4th grader. We'll again be doing Bible, history, and science together. Erin will try a simpler version of Latin. And they're both doing Abeka math and language, which is pretty tough. There's also copywork and spelling. I'm sure I'm trying to fit too much in again, but we'll see how it goes....

1 comment:

Jenn :) said... you don't have enough going on!! Well I for one think you rock..I think you are an amazing mom...and are so dedicated to making a healthy family!! I think you need to do what you feel is right. :) Love the pictures too!! Especially the wall climbing ones...I great of a color is that wall?? :)