Anyway, we left for Mom & Dad's after lunch on the Friday of Labor Day weekend. Made a quick stop at Target and Best Buy, where I spent an embarrassing amount of money (about 3 times what I had intended to spend) on a new DSLR. Ugh. I still feel guilty. And Barry says well I should! But he was there and didn't stop me, so he really doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Anyway, made it up there in time for dinner (have I mentioned how much I LOVE going to my Mom's, if for no other reason than to be taken care of? Pathetic, I know. Wonder when I'll grow out of that?) My mom is a rockstar with food...she makes it possible to not only stick to our "bean diet" but to actually gain weight in the process. Can you say "yum"? But, I digress...
My sister and her family made it up on Saturday, so the cousins were treated to a rare full day of togetherness. And I had lots of practice time with the new camera! :) Easton is growing like a weed, and nearly every picture I have of him is blurred cuz he doesn't stay still! I guess that means he's good practice!

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