You know that commercial with the "Easy button"??? Yeah, I'm looking for one that stops time. Just for a bit. For us mom's who are so behind it feels like we'll never catch up! When you find one, please let me know...
We had a busy weekend...again. Friday (after I worked...I shouldn't have worked) we cleaned all day for Erin's bday party at 3pm. Yes, it does take ALL day to clean our house. And we still had the last minute "stashing of piles in the bedroom", which, by the way, are on my to-do list today. Yuck. Anyway, the party was great and Erin had a great time. ***Pictures will be posted asap (as soon as I find that button!)
Saturday morning, after packing and picking in the garden, we left for mom & dad's. Sunday am we went to church at Eagle Brook. EBC, if you don't know, has now been classified as a "giga church", a far-cry from our small town church. I have mixed opinions about the whole thing, but I'll save that for another post. Regardless, it's a nice change of pace. After church, we headed for my sister's for ice cream cake and presents...Thanks Amy!!! Poor Amy had no idea my kids and hubby don't care for mint (she made mint-chocolate chip ice cream cake). I know, weird. But I loved it!
Then it was off to North Oaks for my great-grandma's 92nd bday party. Beautiful house, gorgeous weather, fabulous food, and lots of hugs! :) ***Pictures will be posted asap! We had to vanish quickly, as Cassie (our dog) had been alone at mom & dad's since 10am, and her bladder is not used to being home alone that long! Thankfully, we made it home in time! :)
Monday am the boys and kids went fishing, and we left for home about 11am. Whew! Then the work begins again! Laundry, cleaning, cooking, etc. Church activities are picking up again (I teach Sunday School, and serve on the Education and Stewardship committees) so fall is always a busy time. Plus, I'm still trying to get organized for "school" to start. Funny, we've been "schooling" all summer. :)
Oh! One happy note (not that my life as a whole isn't happy!) I got an email last night requesting another one of my layouts for Scrapbook Trends Magazine. It's one of my faves....of my dad reading the Christmas Story to the granddaughters. Yeah!
Ok, back to organizing, teaching, cleaning.....where is that button?????