Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I did this for my dad last year, so this year I wanted to do a photo collage for Mom. (And I know she's gonna HATE this!) In fact, I don't have the abundance of pics of Mom like I did for Dad, and I'm pretty sure that's because she's always avoiding the camera (so that's where I learned that from!)

Anyway, happy Mother's Day, Mom! I know we've been through some rough times. Heck, you've been through some rough times! But as you've grown "into yourself", we've only grown closer. Thank you for always being there to support me, encourage me, and advise me...and find a book to help me! :) I hope you continue to grow and learn and change as you evolve into the person you were meant to be...that God created you to be. I'm grateful to call you my mom...and honored to call you my friend.

I love you!

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