Saturday, January 9, 2010

Random Things to Share

Yesterday was a brilliant day in my quest for contentment. Linda Dillow certainly knows how to reach a body! Friday's chapter was "Content to Be Me," and the fact that God made us exactly how we are...our body, mind, personality, gifts, etc. for a purpose. To be displeased with who we are is to challange our Lord...and who am I to do that?! He has a plan for us, a plan created before we were, and we need what the Lord has created us with to fullfill His plan. Well, duh! Sounds so simple when you put it that way!

Here's a quote from Rev. James Hufsteler that really hit home for me...

"You will never really enjoy other people, you will never have stable emotions, you will never lead a life of godly contentment, you will never conquer jealousy and love others as you should until you thank God for making you the way he did."


More thoughts...

too often in our lives, accomplishment and doing overshadow growth and becoming...God wants us to focus on becoming like Christ, shaping our character into His image...however we tend to focus on the frame (our physical attributes, talents, personality...)

and then there was the attention paid to the Proverbs 31 woman (whom I'm well aware of, thanks to my mom!) Dillow says, "The Poverbs 31 woman was not controlled by her circumstance and demands of her family, her household, or her home business. She was ruler of her attitudes, her time, and her schedule. Her relationship with God was central. All that she became was a result of her yielding to His sovereign control."

Today's focus was contentment with our current our roles in this life are always evolving. Quit waiting for our next role to come to bring happiness...enjoy where you are now and make the best of it.

I need to share a thought from my new favorite site, Holy Experience.

Homemaking is about making a home --- and a home is a safe place, a refuge, a place to be real and alive and truest true.

Homemaking is not about making perfection.

Seriously, I LOVE this woman! For all of the times I get angry with my family for not picking up their messes, saying no to new messy projects, complaining about the state of my house...that's not what it's about. And really, that is how I live my life...perfect imperfection. It's about time I start reminding myself of that!

I also haven't shared any new layouts in a couple of months, so here's what I've created...

Have a great weekend, try to stay warm, and God Bless!

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