Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Baptism

As I told you last week, I finally got baptized on Sunday. Saturday was a little nerve-wracking for me. Little things, though, like what to wear and how the logistics would go are the things that bug me. Sunday morning brought excited anticipation, grins, and giddiness! Wow, was I ready! I actually felt a little like I was going to get married again. My tummy was just in knots!

I had been working on what I would say for my testimony...silly, really. Anyone who knows me knows that I'd start bawling the second I opened my mouth. And I did. So, I kept it short and sweet...something about proclaiming my faith in Jesus Christ and wanting to obey my Lord.

I was deeply moved by others afterwards. I was warmly welcomed into the family of Christ with many hugs and congrats...including a couple of men. I love a man who will hug...and cry! I know that my baptism did not in any way earn me salvation...but I do feel better having obeyed. Another wall brought down between my God and I.

On another note, I found a new website to enjoy...
This woman is a Christian mom, wife, writer, homeschooler, and fantastic photographer! I am awed by her spirit, her words, and her photographs! Oh, and I have NEVER been so drawn to one's playlist before! Beautiful music! I know that whenever I'm on the computer (like right now) I'll have her playlist playing. In fact, I'd have already ordered the cd's if I wasn't restrained by this budget thing! :)
Barry has been on the payroll at Ruan (his new job) for a week now, but doesn't officially go into the office til tomorrow. I'm glad he got a couple of days off (although he did a ton of tax and bill work) but I'll also be glad to get down to our new routine when he's back at work. It will be a change having him home at night instead of all day. He's nervous, as expected...his first new job in over 22 years. But, I have every confidence in his abilities...and I'll be praying for him all day!
School is going well. I think I've finally convinced the girls that it's the better thing to do school throughout the summer (at reduced times) as they forgot lots of stuff just during the week and a half they had off! Now, they get it! And I'm trying to kick off the new year more organized and dedicated to and my "new beginnings," you know! :)
And for my year of "Contentment," I've started a book by Linda Dillow, "Calm My Anxious Heart." So far, it is totally worth my time. Some notes to share:
*I need to keep an eternal perspective, viewing my life and evaluating what's important from His perspective.
*Most of us base our contentment on our circumstances, on our feelings, or on other people. Contentment is a state of the heart, not a state of affairs.
*Paul said, "I have learned to be content..." (Phil 4:11) ---so we can still learn this skill!
and, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil 4:13)---Christ gives us the strength to be content through all
*Never allow myself to complain about anything - not even the weather (I really gotta work on this one!)
*Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else
*Never compare your lot with another's (guilty)
*Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise
*Never dwell on tomorrow - remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours (this is probably my biggest issue)
I've got a lot to chew on so far! Hope some of this was helpful to you, too!

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