I promised an update yesterday....but I got too tired. Sorry. The girls and I went grocery shopping, which took WAY too long, and ended with Erin dropping to 40 in Walmart and speeding home to make dinner. Don't worry...I did treat her before we left the parking lot. Anyway, shopping totally exhausts me, and after my second day of no nap, writing was absolutely out of the question!
Now, after a day of cleaning, laundry, cooking, and looking up treatments for guinea pigs with bald spots, I think I'm ready to go!
Since my last "Contentment Catch-Up"...
The three barriers that keep us from experiencing contentment:
greed, lack of purpose, and anxiety.
greed part is pretty simple to figure out, and although I've never considered myself a materialistic person (in fact, I'm pretty darn cheap!) I know I've been convicted. Did you know that Scripture contains more references to money than to salvation?
Some key points...
*materialism has become a god in our country
*when we purchase more than we can afford, we are discontent with what God has given. We no longer trust that God knows best and that He will supply our needs.
*greed builds a barrier between us and God
And remember...
*"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matt 6:21)
*"No one can serve two masters...You cannot serve both God and money." (Matt 6:24)
Then we move on to not having a
life purpose or focus. Not knowing why I'm here or where I'm going. Living without direction...living on hold, waiting for something or someone to give life meaning. We we live directionless, we are swiftly propelled by the winds of circumstances.
"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least." -Goethe
"For my determined purpose is that I may know Him - that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His person more strongly and more clearly." (Phil 3:10 AMP)
And then
worry..."worry is like a rocking chair; it will give you something to do, but it won't get you anywhere."
*"The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith. The beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety." - George Muller
*We commit sin when we worry because we are not trusting God
*So, faith is the foundation:
(I love this!) Faith raises us above our circumstances. Faith enables us to be content even when life doesn't make sense. Faith is the bulwark that keeps us strong even when we're assailed by agonizing thoughts about what might happen or by what has happened.
*Faith is walking in the dark with God, holding His hand.
Of course, there are a TON of Scripture references to having faith and trusting in God, and casting our worries on Him. But you get the idea.
Today we discussed the spiritual diseases of "What If" and "If Only". The first deals with the future and leads to anxiety (I suffer from this one daily...thanks, Glenn Beck!) and the second relates to the past and leads to anger. Here is a verse and a quote that sum these up...
"Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord....Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord." (Jer 17:5&7)
"I am always content with that which happens, for I think that which God chooses is better than what I choose." -Epictetus
What makes this book extra meaningful is the personal stories and profiles she adds. Linda Dillow was a missionary, mostly, I believe in Eastern Europe (when communist) and China. The women's stories that she shares completely put me to shame...and help prepare for our possible future. She worked with women who had nothing...and risked that nothing, as well as their "freedom", safety, health, and life to serve Christ. What excuse do I have not to? And am I prepared to do the same if this country goes the same way?
The girls and I are currently reading "The Huguenot Garden" by Douglas Jones. If you're a Christian and have kids, this is a must-read! It is about a 17th century French Protestant family being persecuted by a Catholic king. It discusses faith, standing up for one's beliefs, and the role of government and religion. Awesome!!!!
We also talked about William Penn this week, and I'm reading a bit extra. I want to know more about the Quakers and how their beliefs jive with my own. He's one of the few famous men we've learned about that we had no problems with liking! :)
Well, I'll stop boring you now! Hope you all have a safe, fun and productive weekend! I'm hoping to get some creative juices flowing in my scraproom tomorrow (I've been in a dry spell here for a while). And who knows...maybe I'll become an auntie again this weekend!!!! :)