It's probably not an ideal time for me to blabber...I'm pretty tired and stressed out. So, please forgive me if I wander off the path a bit. :)
Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. Our pastor had us pick out a rock. Just an everyday rock that you'd find in not-fancy landscaping. This rock is to represent our sinfulness during the Lenten season. I like it. We're to carry it with us for the duration. On Maundy Thursday, he'll ask us to lay our rocks at the foot of the rough-hewn cross temporarily errected in our Sanctuary. After choosing our rocks and being marked with the cross of ashes, Erin asked me to trade rocks with her. I did. Then I noticed that her rock was dirty. I'm assuming it's sandstone. It's dirty...and the dirt doesn't go away. My first thought was that I'd trade it for a "better" one out of our landscaping at home. But I suddenly thought better of it. What better reminder of my sinfullness than to carry around a "dirty" rock. I'm hoping this will help keep me humble.
Today was busy. I got my hair cut after lunch. I was way overdue, as usual. I got it chopped, which is a good thing. Unfortunitely, I lost the rest of my perm. So, I'll have to schedule that soon. Regardless, it's still better than it was. Then the girls and I were off to Eau Claire for Erin's dentist appointment. First stop was Shopko. I'm waaayyyy overdue on new tennies for walking. I've taken two major dumps on the ice this past month due to "bald" shoes. So, I got new ones. Did pretty good considering we had only 15 minutes to shop! I found a pair of "my" brand (they make wide widths) on clearance. Whooo hooo! Then I just took a little peep for a pair of "hiking" walking with a deeper tread for walking on snow and ice. I found a pair that was on sale, but still more than I like to spend (I'm VERY cheap). So, I called Barry for "permission". :) Permission granted, I splurged. But still, $80 for two pair isn't all that bad.
I was a bit stressed all day because we were heading to Eau Claire at about the same time "the biggest snow storm of the season" was scheduled to hit. And right on time, as I sat in the dentist, the snow started falling. Hard. We skipped the grocery shopping we normally would've done and head home. Very slowly. Most of the time it was 25 to 30 mph, topping off at 40. And for half of the 20 mile drive, I was on my own, with no one to follow. Ugh. I hate that! It took me about 45 minutes (normally it's about a 25 minute drive). But I was stressed and stiff when we finally pulled in. I can't complain though, as God guided us home safely.
I'm not going to go off on a political rant (although for the last few months I think my blood pressure has increased at least by 100%!) The only thing I'll say on my soap box tonight....Please, all of you, get informed and get the facts! A large majority of people have no idea (nor do they care) what Washington is doing to our country. The best (and most balanced) information I've found is on Fox News. And no, for all of you Liberals out there, Fox is NOT a cogg in the Republican Machine. :) Just watch and find out for yourself. And if you can't stomache Bill O'Reilly or Hannity, please just watch the evening news broadcast. And my new favorite show is Glenn Beck. He's on at 4pm weekdays (and also has a Saturday evening show). He's a bit of a drama queen and a smart butt (which I like) but he's a lot more "guy next door". If you don't get Fox News, you can check him out at It's just driving me insane watching the dorks in Washington spend trillions of OUR dollars on PORK. They call it stimulus...but it's really PORK. Listen to this....there's an earmark in that bill with Obama's name on it. But just today, it was announced that his name will be taken off of that earmark. The earmark is still in the bill, but they just don't want us to be able to trace it back to the "no more earmarks" pres. Nice. Great. See, there I go again. I'm on my soapbox again AND my blood is boiling again. I need to take a vacation! :)
Now you've for sure had enough of my random musings. :) Oh, the cable guy came and hooked up our new HD package today. My hubby is in Heaven on earth! Now we have DVR...we are SO with it now! Now he wants to grow up to be a "cable guy". :) I think he's chomping at the bit for the weekend to come so he can play with his new remote. I guess he technically earned it, though. He got a cheaper phone/internet package so that we could get the HD cable package. Must have been important to him.....(he he he)
Ok, I best walk away from the computer now. Otherwise, all is pretty good here. Alana has a bad chest cold. Erin's belly isn't feeling the best. Amazing...I thought we'd all be healthier when we came home from school. Oh well, such is life.
Have a good weekend and God Bless!
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