Some days were just not meant to be successful homeschool days, and I think today qualifies. I had good intentions. I was actually "ready" for the week to begin. I organize by weeks and do it 4-5 weeks at a time. So, if I'm organized, I spend one weekend a month grouping/printing worksheets and putting together rough weekly lesson plans for those upcoming weeks. Well, this past weekend was my organizing weekend. Fun times. And then I decided it was probably time to do something with the 6+ inches of accumulated paper...2 months worth of worksheets, tests and narration pages that needed to be filed away. So, it was not a fun weekend for me...and still Monday was a failure.
So, anyway, the problem today was Alana's inability to focus. It was just really SLOW going today. Our schedule just got messed up and we ran out of time. Finally, at 2:00, I decided I should just give them a break and take Cassie for her daily walk...the fresh air would do us all good. After that, we had to go to the library. Alana, who for the past couple of weeks, remember, has been on a goat kick, now "needed" to check out books on insects. I showed her where they were and then left them for about 5 minutes to look for my own books. By the time I got back, she was quoting back reproductive facts on ladybugs and aphids. :) And as soon as we got home, they headed out to the garden to set traps for other bugs. So, it turns out, that even on a "homeschool failure day", my kids still manage to learn something...all by themselves even! So, that's why I'm blogging!!!
Barry has been in the woods basically since Friday morning (when he got a doe...meat and another earned buck tag). It's rut time, so the "bucks are runnin'" and my hubby is in his element! He took time out for church on Sunday, early service even, cuz the girls were singing in the junior choir. Then he was back out. He has today off, too, so only came in for a quick lunch.
The girls have been at Friendship Church for the last two Sundays practicing for the Extreme Christmas perfermance. Last year was the first one, and the girls sang in the childrens' choir. I think they sang two or three songs? This year they are doing 5 songs and are even wearing costumes for a couple of them! And, they're doing 2 performances this year instead of just one. Wow! Can't wait!
I didn't get to scrapping this's been a VERY long time. I need to make some time for myself soon. But I do get reading time. I make time for Bible and devotions every morning, my Christian historical fiction at night, and then hopefully bits and pieces of other stuff in the afternoon. I sure love books. In fact, I'm very greatful to have our library or we'd be deeply in debt! I currently have 93 books checked out! Amazing! I usually average between 40 and 60. Some are for school, some are for me, and lots are for the girls. They don't necessarily read them all, but I like having them around as keep them tempted!
Ok, back to my real life. There are some Brownie patches need to be put on Erin's new Brownie vest. And dinner probably won't make itself! Sorry for the babble!
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