Thursday, February 4, 2010

Introducing Everett Allen

First, I must appologize for being awol for so long! I really don't know what my excuse is this time. Just busy, I guess. Between school, cooking, and cleaning...seriously, it really shouldn't keep me that busy, but it does. Anyway, we've begun the "we're really going to try to sell this house" cleaning again. But I'm serious this time. :)

On a much happier note, my sister finally had her baby. Last Thursday, January 28, Everett Allen Abrams entered the world at a whopping 11 lbs, 4 oz!!! (At least now we know what took so long!) You go girl! Everett was born at home, as was Avery and Easton, and everything went very smoothly. We visited on Friday, and let's just say, 11 lbs sounds much bigger on the phone than when he's in your arms (of course, we Videen girls don't mess around with those "average-sized" babies...we only produce 9+ pounders!) He sure still seemed tiny to me. And beautiful. And if I could just bottle up that baby smell...!!!

And this one's my favorite. I can totally see Grampa in this one!!!

As always, I have more to say...but, as always, I'm just too wiped to do it! :) Hopefully, I'll be back again tomorrow to bore you to tears. Until then, God bless, and have a fabulous end to your week!

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