Jeesh! I can't believe the summer's half over! Wow!
I received a card from my Grandma Dee (Hi Grandma!) saying that she liked my blog. I just think it's cool that she knows what a blog is! :)
Ok, what else is new?
The boys are playing on the church softball team on Sunday nights. They won their first game, but have lost the last 2. It's ok though. I get to sit and chat with my friend Kari while we watch the boys. The girls play with Kari's girls (Claire, Erin's best friend, and Ella) at the park. And the boys get to relive their "glory days". We feel less bad about losing knowing that while some other teams have "ringers" and lots of kids that are Tony's age playing, we play several (all who come) young high school and confirmation kids. It's really about the kids...not winning.
After 3 games, Erin's soccer team is undefeated...and Alana's poor team has yet to win. But they're both playing very well...and Alana's team actually scored a couple of goals this week! It's fun to watch both of them, because thanks to all of their "sports experience" with big Bro, they both really know how to play and where to be. They're different players, with their own strengths. What's great is that, although, competitive, they're both compassionate. Little kids fall down a lot, and whenever one goes down, my girls are always there to make sure they're ok. Love 'um!
After taking last week off of school (between working in the morning and swimming lessons, I just couldn't do it!) we're back to the books this week. Some may think I'm extra mean for schooling in the summer (even if it's a pared down version) but I have several reasons for doing it.
1. Because we started homeschooling in January, we're only half-way through some of their books, and I don't want to miss anything. And it would be nice to start off fresh in a new level in the fall.
2. I'm beginning a new program in the fall...the Classical Education model...and I want to be sure we're ready for it.
3. Kids get rusty over the summer when they do nothing. The public schools spend weeks just reviewing what was forgotten. I'd rather not waste our time.
4. I like the kids having their routine. It gives them something to do while I'm working in the am, and it keeps them from getting as bored.
I just realized earlier this week that my girls had no idea what the Fourth of July was all about! Gasp! What kind of an American am I??? So, I'm all stocked up on books and movies about the Revolution, the Boston Tea Party, etc. So, hopefully, by tomorrow night, those fireworks will have a whole new meaning for them. And maybe me, too.
Barry's in Eau Claire now getting our car fixed and getting groceries. The fan in the car pooped out on us earlier this summer. No A/C. For those of you who know me well, this is obviously unacceptable. :) And yes, my dear hubby does most of our grocery shopping. He does this because a) he gets bored at home and this gives him an excuse to make a trip to EC, b) this allows me to not lose any work hours, and c) we spend less this way, because I grab all of the "extras". :) Of course, I still have to make up the list, and I get a minimum of 5 phone calls from Target because he can't find something.
Well, I hope everyone has a great 4th! We'll be just chilling out, grilling out for dinner with Barry's family, and then watching the fireworks from our deck like last year. It was really convenient...less bugs, comforts of home, and the girls fell asleep before it was done in Daddy and Tony's lap! :)