Friday, April 30, 2010

New Work

Now that my house is much, much emptier than before...of clutter, anyway...when I'm not cleaning for showings, cooking, teaching, etc, I can create again. This is the stockpile of cards I've done over the last few weeks. They need to get put into the etsy shop (which is currently empty).

And here is my new project... wall art. To "stage" the house for sale, we needed to remove all family photographs (which is basically the only art I had!) and homeschooling maps, kids artwork, etc. So, I kept thinking of what I could make... these are a couple of my ideas. They are done on canvas paper, 8 x 10 to fit frames. They are made with patterned paper, ink and stamps. I'm going to list them at $25, unframed (to ease in shipping, and so that people can choose their own style of frames). Eventually, the goal would be to sell prints of the originals...also as packs of notecards. I really want to push the "Christian" in this venture...quotes, lyrics, Scripture, etc. I want this work to be for Him. My thought behind doing them is that I view my handmade cards as ART...whereas most people see them as trash after taking out the check! :) So, here's my version of art that most people (hopefully) would see as art. :) Hope you like them. Feedback would be great!!!

More Busyness...

I know that excuse is getting old...really old. Will I ever log on here and say, "Hi guys. Me again for the 5th time today...just bored again." Is that possible? Ever?

Well, let's see. Last Thursday we had a showing. It went well. Saturday, we decided to take a road trip to drive by possible houses to cross them off the list. I think we're pickier about the location/setting of a house than the inside, so we eliminate most of them. Out of five houses, only one stayed on the list. And we haven't gone to see it because it is the farthest away from Barry's job...about 35-45 minutes, depending on weather and traffic (currently, it's 20 minutes). BUT, it appears to be a very good house for what we need, AND in the budget. Anyway....

When we got home, the girls and I went to take pictures of Miss Morgan before her Junior Prom...she was on the court. Isn't she gorgeous? And all grown up. Sad.

Ok, then Tuesday night, we had another showing...the same couple from Thursday night. They were bringing the parents and possibly writing an offer. Panic. We have no where to go. AND, neither of us want to face the "offer acceptance decision". You know, how low do you go? Well, they decided not to write an offer at this time. First time buyers...big mortgage.

On Wednesday night, the girls and I went to look at a fsbo house. We loved the old house character. That's what I want. They liked that it was on a creek. Barry didn't like the idea at all! In his mind, old equals junk and work and money. So, we keep looking. I still want my character house...

Another showing set up for Saturday morning. We were going to have an open house, but Barry decided that he wanted to go fishing on the opening weekend. Guess I'll be cleaning anyway....

Hopefully, I'll be posting again today. I have lots of new cards and wall art (my new project) to show you.
Here's a teaser...


But for's breakfast and school! Have a great day!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Lambs & Easter & Birthdays, Oh my!

On the Saturday before Easter, we went on a field trip with friends to Govin's farm in Menomonie. We visited last year and the girls loved it. If you're lucky, you get to see baby lambs being born. They also have chicks, goats, puppies, piglets, and horses to see. We had a great time and will probably go next year again!

Alana, Mckahl, Erin, and Hannah (friends from church)

We celebrated Easter at Mom & Dad's, as usual. Barry stayed home to do some last minute house projects, but the girls and I drove up on Friday afternoon. We then went with mom & dad to Minn to Avery's 4th birthday party at a bowling alley, followed by a picnic lunch at a park, church at Eaglebrook, and then a little hike along the river at Taylors Falls.

And then a delicious Easter dinner on a glorious spring day, enjoyed with family. What a wonderful way to celebrate the Lord's resurrection!

Erin & Alana after hunting for eggs.
Easton (2) in his new boots!

Cousins in their Easter finery! Alana, Avery, & Erin

Grampa Videen with Baby Everett. Adorable!

Busy, busy, busy...

I know, I know. It's been like 20 years since I last wrote. Here's the deal. We finally have our house on the market!!! After years of talking about it, and thinking about it, and dreaming about it...we finally did it! Before that could happen, though, some major work had to be done. We had to paint our basement (please don't ask what it looked like before!) and in order to do that, lots and lots of stuff had to be sorted and thrown and donated. Actually, there were piles and closets and boxes of stuff all over the house that needed to be dealt with. So, that's what I've been doing for the past month. Now I'm pretty much done (exept for a couple of small baskets of misc stuff that I need to go through...but am too burnt out to attempt right now) and just need to maintain the clean.
I've never worked harder in my life. Really. And our house has NEVER looked better! It feels SO good. Why didn't I do this before? Because I'm a "keeper" and because my kids inherited my disease. Now we're on the road to establishing new habits and patterns. I tell my kids often that God's plan may not have been for us to move (although, I still feel that it is), but just for us to clean out and simplify.
We've had one showing so far. I guess that's not bad for the first week. Especially in this down market. It's ok, really, as we have no where to go as of yet. I just really feel that God wanted me to step out in prepare and list the house, not knowing where we would go, or when. I've obeyed. Finally. So, now I wait for His perfect plan and timing to reveal itself. At least now I'm waiting in a clean house!