Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Celebrating Life!

A year ago today I woke up in a hospital room with a new life. December 7, 2008, Erin was taken by ambulance to Mayo in Rochester with a blood sugar number around 1300 (70 to 120 is good). She probably should have died. In light of that, the diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes was pretty insignificant...yet, it still drastically changed our lives.

I thank God everyday for the time I have with my kids. I thank Him for carrying me through the struggles and frustrations of the past year. I thank Him for directing us to people and ideas that have helped us live healthier lives. And I'm truly thankful for this "thorn in our side," as it has brought our family closer to each other and to our Lord.

For all of this gratitude, I thought it would be fitting to "celebrate" surviving our first year with the disease. Erin has been begging for earrings for over a year. I had intended to be one of those "mean" moms who made her wait til she was in her teens...but I thought that in spite of all that she's endured and matured through, she probably deserved them. So, last Friday we took a trip to Eau Claire to get earrings. The girls were very nervous, but no tears were shed.

AND, we found some pretty cool headbands that will help immensely with their "growing out the bangs" pangs. However, some tears were shed by mom & dad when we got the bill! Prices have gone up a bit since I was in Claire's last!

And not to leave out child #1, here is the picture of Tony's big buck that I promised. Nice job, Babe!

This is our busy December week. The girls' piano recital is scheduled for tomorrow night (although we're in the midst of our first snowstorm of the season, so it may be rescheduled), and our Extreme Christmas Musical at church is this weekend...dress rehearsal Friday nite, and performances Sat and Sunday. Whew! After this week I should be able to relax and enjoy Christmas! :) Well, at least after I write out Christmas cards, which I finally ordered last night. Plus, I certainly won't be doing any baking this year, so that saves me TONS of time and money!!!

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