Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

So, here's the thing. I like making lists. Not only to keep me on track...but so I can feel productive when I cross things off. :) AND, I love new beginnings. I love Jan. 1, because it's a new year. I love spring because it brings fresh, new life. I like September as it brings a new school year. Get the idea? So, obviously, a New Year's Resolutions list is right up my alley. I'm ultra excited this year cuz I don't have to put "lose weight" at #1. :) My list this year got kinda long, so I divided it up into sections. Here goes...

-exercise daily (besides my daily dog walk)
-lose 15 lbs. (I know, I said I didn't have to do this, but I do really have more to lose)

-get baptized (I'm only puting this on the list so I can cross it off on Sunday!)
-get deeper/longer into my morning Bible studies
-give more to charity
-keep a prayer journal (I just finished altering one today!)
-play with art more
-be nicer to Barry
-keep up better communication with friends and family (like actually using the cards I make!)
-consistent blogging
-personal development with my 2010 theme (more to follow)

Domestic Engineering:
-less time on the computer
-stick to our newly developed/needed budget
-keep house "showing ready" (we're hoping to move to the country and closer to Barry's new
-start composting
-take gardening more seriously
-learn to can
-better menu planning
-try one new recipe a month

-read aloud to kids more consistently
-keep a better & more consistent records/schedule/plan
-more science & art

So, how's that for keeping busy? I know, I overdo it sometimes...

Ok, my 2010 theme. I've seen other bloggers choose a word or theme to focus on for the year, and I thought I'd try it. I recently decided on "Contentment" as mine for 2010. Then my wonderful friend (and pastor's wife) Martha, wrote her Christmas card letter about contentment. I took that as a sign of God's approval. :) So, I'm going to work on being content this year. This will be big for me. I am happy. I am at peace (God's peace, that is). But generally speaking, I'm always wanting more or different. Not in a materialistic way...more like in a "grass is greener" way. I know this keeps me from truly living in the moment, for today...always being distracted and focused on where I'm going instead of just enjoying the journey.

Well, guess I'll finally end now....and curl up with some books and watch my girls play Wii. The goal is to see the ball drop in New York, but we'll see. Barry's at work...his last day at Marten. Hoping he'll be home in time for the ball drop. Funny how different my life is now, compared with just a decade ago. Wow. Much better. :)

Happy New Year everyone...and God bless!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Post-Christmas Catch Up

I know, I'm WAY behind on posting. I had great intentions of writing before Christmas, but just didn't make it. So, let's get caught up on all of the pre-Christmas goings on.

Erin got to be Mary when the kids sang in church the Sunday before Christmas. That was cool, because last year, Alana played Mary at our old church's program.

And the girls were, once again, in the church's Extreme Christmas Musical. And this year, I was, too...behind the scenes anyway. I was part of the costume/prop team, and then helped backstage during the performance. Boy, did I learn a lot! Especially when Elvis had a hard time even getting into the building! (Don't ask!)

But I digress...the girls, and all of the kids, were fantastic! Alana & Erin were "poodle skirt girls" and each had a little duet. Each year the performance gets easier for the girls...which is why I "urge" them to do it. :) I think this year was even easier for them as they're more familiar with the church and the people there. We all had a great time!

The "poodle skirt girls"...

Alana singing her duet....

And Erin singing her duet...

The girls also had a piano recital at their teacher's house. They each played solos, duets, and one song all three girls played together (with Claire, Erin's bestest friend). They were fabulous, and I think they even had fun!

Well, that pretty much sums up pre-Christmas. I haven't even begun to touch my Christmas pictures yet....hopefully, I'll have those up within a couple of days. It was a good Christmas though. The weather looked like it was going to really mess things up, but God was good and got us to mom & dad's safe and sound (although, not up the driveway!) It was definitely one to remember...Dad having to pull us up, and then down the driveway. :) I didn't even really miss the cookies and candies...and I never heard the girls complain. I think we all probably felt a lot healthier this year without it.
We do have some very big news, though. After 22 years at Marten, Barry has moved on to a new job. This was a VERY big deal for him...and us. But, I at least, feel very happy and at peace with the decision...even though we're taking a 25% paycut. Barry will finally be back to working days, so we might be able to have a normal family life. It sounds as if they really want his opinion of the status quo...and will value any changes he makes. I think just having new challenges will be good for him. I'm excited. My prayer is that he might actually LIKE his job...that would be a huge change.
I plan to start off the new year right...I'm getting baptized on Sunday! I'm SO excited. I've wanted to be baptized ever since being born again...about 4 1/2 years ago. But my old church doesn't believe in "believer's baptism", so I guess I just put it off. But the excuses are over. Sunday I will obey my Lord...He said to "believe and be baptized," and I will.
Here's to a fabulous new year!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Celebrating Life!

A year ago today I woke up in a hospital room with a new life. December 7, 2008, Erin was taken by ambulance to Mayo in Rochester with a blood sugar number around 1300 (70 to 120 is good). She probably should have died. In light of that, the diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes was pretty insignificant...yet, it still drastically changed our lives.

I thank God everyday for the time I have with my kids. I thank Him for carrying me through the struggles and frustrations of the past year. I thank Him for directing us to people and ideas that have helped us live healthier lives. And I'm truly thankful for this "thorn in our side," as it has brought our family closer to each other and to our Lord.

For all of this gratitude, I thought it would be fitting to "celebrate" surviving our first year with the disease. Erin has been begging for earrings for over a year. I had intended to be one of those "mean" moms who made her wait til she was in her teens...but I thought that in spite of all that she's endured and matured through, she probably deserved them. So, last Friday we took a trip to Eau Claire to get earrings. The girls were very nervous, but no tears were shed.

AND, we found some pretty cool headbands that will help immensely with their "growing out the bangs" pangs. However, some tears were shed by mom & dad when we got the bill! Prices have gone up a bit since I was in Claire's last!

And not to leave out child #1, here is the picture of Tony's big buck that I promised. Nice job, Babe!

This is our busy December week. The girls' piano recital is scheduled for tomorrow night (although we're in the midst of our first snowstorm of the season, so it may be rescheduled), and our Extreme Christmas Musical at church is this weekend...dress rehearsal Friday nite, and performances Sat and Sunday. Whew! After this week I should be able to relax and enjoy Christmas! :) Well, at least after I write out Christmas cards, which I finally ordered last night. Plus, I certainly won't be doing any baking this year, so that saves me TONS of time and money!!!