Friday, March 6, 2009


Well, we survived our trip to Mayo. It was exhausting. We tried to get to bed as early as possible...but right at bedtime, Erin said she felt hot and couldn't sleep (which is usually her attempt to stay in my bed). After futile arguing, I let her stay with me, just so we could get to sleep. Soon, she started complaining of a headache...and then she thought she had to throw up. Suddenly, she started shaking like a leaf! We made a run for the the same time I ran for the testing kit to make sure she wasn't super low. At this point she crying, saying, "No, Jesus, please! Not now! Please, Jesus!" Poor kid. She didn't throw up, luckily. And she wasn't low...actually, she was pretty high ( I think because of stress and adrenaline about our trip the next day). She finally slept after 12:30 and I got up at 4am. Not cool.

We made it out the door on time, at 5am. Got to Mayo on time for a fairly relaxing breakfast (although it was mucho expensive and disappointing in it's selection). We met with, Tom, our RN and then the social worker. We were done at 10 and had until 2pm for our next appointment. They hadn't given us an itinerary for the day, so we weren't expecting this break (we would've rather just gotten it over with and gone home!) So, we went to a local mall and killed time at the Dollar Tree store and a pet store. Went back to Mayo for lunch (kids' choice) and then met with our doctor, a couple of psychologists and a dietician. We were done at 4 and kicked butt home to get home for dinner.

Overall, apparently we've done a heck of a job! Erin's A1C was 7.1 was just what they wanted to see. They were very happy with her numbers and how we were working together on this as a family. I did question them about a different program, but was assured that for a child her age, they were quite confident with the program she's on. In fact, one of the studies that I had read of and discussed with her doctor, turned out to be a study he had been involved in! In their experience, the more intense the program they are on as a child, the more likely a kid is to rebel at 11, 12 and above. I feel that my concerns were not dismissed, but were addressed and explained well. She's done so well, in fact, that we don't have to go back for 6 months instead of 3! I must say, diabetes has taken some of the fun out of road-tripping. We don't eat out anymore, just because it seems so difficult with Erin's restrictions. I'm sure in time we'll adjust more. But until then, at least we're saving some cash! :)

I came home to a very happy surprise...Creating Keepsakes wants to publish one of my layouts! For those of you not a member of the crazy scrapping world, CK is like the mother of scrapping magazines. I've been published many times, but until now, I had yet to get into CK or Scrapbooks, Etc. Well, one down, and one to go! I'm amazed and honored.

I took Cassie back in today to have her urine tested AGAIN. She still has a bladder infection (after 3 weeks of antibiotics) but they said it was almost gone, and so this last dose should take care of it. Ugh.

No political rantings today...I don't have the energy. :) I guess at this point, I'm expecting the worse, as is Barry. We both think we're headed for an all-out depression. I have a "calling" of sorts to prepare, but I'm not sure how. Thankfully, Barry still has a good job...and it appears that the company is weathering the storm so far. But what if... Until then, we don't spend willy-nilly...we'll plant a garden come spring... Sometimes I feel like a fruitcake...acting as though the world is coming to an end. However, sometimes I feel that too many people have their heads buried in the sand (or snow, if you live in Wisconsin). :)

And on that happy note, I'll wish you all a happy weekend! :) Stay safe and God bless!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Think Spring!

Who knows? Maybe it will work. I shouldn't and the next two days will be in the 40's here...
Of course, tomorrow, we'll be stuck inside Mayo Clinic for the entire day. We have to be in Rochester by 7am...which means we have to leave by 5am. Not a good thing. Not good at all. I've promised the kids no school on Friday so that we can ALL catch up a bit. This trip is Erin's first of every 3-month check-ups she'll have to have. I have no idea what to expect...except that it will take all day (and LOTS of money to eat possibly 3 meals at the cafeteria!).

My very very very good friend, Kari, who's a lab tech at the clinic here in town, made a house-call for us this am to take Erin's blood for her A1C test. Thank you, Kari! :) She's so awesome. Anyway, this test is one we'll do every 3 months to see how well under control her blood glucose levels have been. She scored a 7.1%, which is in the acceptable range (normal, non-diabetics range from 4.1-6.1%). I've read, however, that you can come close to 6% with an intense program (which we are not in right now).

Which is one of the things I want to discuss with the docs. We want more control. Right now, no matter how often we test her glucose, we can't make immediate changes to bring down highs, and it drives us totally insane! We also need to figure out how to get away from her lows during the middle of the night. We haven't slept through a night since she went into the hospital in December, and at this rate, I can't. It's too risky when she often drops into the 40's and 50's.

In church today, the sermon was about the 3rd Commandment (to keep the Sabbath holy). This is something I've been thinking about a lot in recent months. How God created the day FOR that we can have a day of rest. And it's a day to listen and talk to God. I'm not sure how far I could get with my family with taking away technology, tv, SPORTS, etc. But, I'm thinking that if I'm gonna try to make some changes, I oughta do it before football season starts again! At my normal Wednesday afternoon library visit today, I came across a book, "Sabbath: Finding Rest, Renewal, and Delight in our Busy Lives". It sounds kinda like what I'm trying to achieve in my life as a whole, so I'm hoping for some good inspiration.

My dog is still sick. Her frequent peeing is getting out of hand again, despite having been on antibiotics for almost 3 weeks. She even peed on the carpet today...not a normal thing. So, a chat with the vet will be on my agenda for Friday. Yippee!

And finally, I thought I'd share a couple of projects I did for my wonderful and talented friend, Jenn, as an honored member of her blog/etsy shop Design Team. She creates fantastic journaling spots for scrapping and card making. She's super-duper talented!

Now, I must "hang-up" my keyboard before I start in on the economy and the goverment that I'm fighting daily not to hate. Mr. Obama: "We will do away with all EARMARKS". Really, Mr. President? So, those 9,000 earmarks in your SPENDING bill don't really count? Oh, and I think that your really great idea to do away with charitable deductions during a recession/depression is fabulous! I mean, it's not like charities are hurting right now. Nor are they needed by all of those who are in financial straits. And this is personal to me. Forget that I'm a Christian, and I feel that charitable giving is a personal that is made to feed one's heart. That's one reason for the Liberals to punish me...but I'll save that for another day. But I'm the mother of a diabetic. We rely on charitable giving to fund research. You know, for a cure? Thank you, Mr. Obama, for possibly setting us back YEARS in that research. But I know what your answer (and those of most of our Congressmen) will be....You know so much better than I how to spend my money. Cuz you're such a smart, Harvard-educated politician...and I'm just a dumb hick from some small town. Do you all sense my anger and sarcasm?
See, I told you I should've hung it up. :)