Friday, May 7, 2010

A Rainy Friday Morning...

Being a house hermit, I kinda like rain. Makes me wanna snuggle in even more! The house is VERY quiet at the moment. The dog and cats are all snoozin, Erin's reading her book, Alana's at the table working on her homework, and I'm checking in here after catching up on making some Latin and French matching cards for vocabulary practice.

Barry has left to go fishing up north with his cousins. No, I'm not sure why DADDY gets to go have fun on MOTHERS DAY weekend. But that's ok...I kinda like it with just us girls. Seems like less work for some reason. :) Not much planned today until this evening...we're going to help set up for the annual library book sale. I figure it's a good place for me to volunteer, as I use the library so much. However, there is a selfish reason...after setting up, the volunteers take part in a little "early bird shopping". And for a book geek like me...well, that's just too good to pass up! I normally don't like to buy books...unless they are resource books that I'll use over and over. But the prices are so good, that it's an innocent little treat. This is the first time the girls will be with...I think they're old enough to help now, and to learn to give back. And then they can pick their own books out.

I'm hoping to do some kind of creative play tomorrow. Maybe even later today. Wish me luck. With this raininess, I may fall victim to the temptation to nap the day away!

In case I don't make it back before...Happy Mother's Day to you all!